Friday, January 13, 2012

Need sponsor for our web costs

Hello friends, it's time our site got a redesign. To do this properly so that I can maintain it myself without having to ask others to do the techy stuff, I'd like to change to a different host. I'll be moving the blog and everything over to a different set up. The cost to host the site with is $3.95 a month if you agree to 24 months, or $4.95 for 12 months. If you know anything about this stuff, that's a pretty good deal, and they work really well with Wordpress, which is good because the new site will be managed by, and will be built around our videos and pictures, with of course the blog.

So, my sales pitch is one cup of coffee a month worth of dollars donated to Ability Beyond the Horizon so we can continue to keep our presence out there in the world and get to kids with visual impairment.

Boys at the school for the blind we'll be working with this summer
We have the funds to make this happen, but I'd rather keep those funds for our summer work. With that in mind, it occurred to me that I could see if anyone in our family of support was interested in sponsoring us. Thanks for the consideration, please get in touch or donate at the site if you like your support, as always, is incredibly appreciated.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Look at all those books!!!

So, yesterday I got a call from the postal center here at FSU telling me that they had about 60-70 boxes of braille materials for me and wanted to know what I wanted to do with them. Wow! I had put a new address out there for shipping, but I guess it didn't actually get out there like I thought. So this morning Alison Bailey, and Brittany Stanley two students in the FSU visual disabilities program met me at the shipping center. I brought tape, Alison brought labels. Alison is actually the magic behind all the shipping so far. She's diligently gone in and relabeled boxes to head to Shanthala. Since Shanthala might be getting at capacity, please email me if you plan to ship boxes, and I might give you another address to send them to somewhere else in the world. Clearly there is a need, and a surplus of material here in the US to give. So please keep it up. Just get in touch at so that our efforts are the most effective.
There are about 60 boxes there, we estimate at least 500 books


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The link to the video

Apparently many of the email programs wouldn't support embedded video. Note to self for next time. So, here's the link to the video hopefully that'll work better for you all. Thanks for letting me know.


Monday, January 2, 2012

A short video of this Summer's work

Hello everyone, welcome to the New Year! We've recently had a video completed of our work this summer in India. I'd love for you to check it out, we'll be posting it to the website as soon as I can get all that worked out. A special thank you to Michael Copeland of for his tremendous work on this video, and the next video he's doing for us, as well as to Susan Yarbrough, Lauren Barr, and the team in India, especially Shanthala Somayaji. I hear from India at least once a week or so, and they are doing really awesome things there. I also would be remiss without thanking all of you for the support that made this happen. It wouldn't have, had you not believed in us, and given of yourselves in both time and money. I know both of those are very valuable resources.

We're also continuing to ship braille and large print books to India, and they are going over really well. If you've got any materials you'd like to send, please get in touch with me. We can ship them free of charge.

Here's that great video!

We're working hard to get placements arranged for this summer. Hyderabad is almost certain, and I'm looking into possibilities for another location as well. I'll keep you updated as we move forward. Thank you for your support, and I wish you all a wonderful 2012.
