So what do you think as a name for our organization?
To understand the depth of the name, it is important to define horizon. A horizon is an edge, an edge that appears very real, but is really just the edge of our perception, knowledge, or awareness. The horizon caused our ancestors to believe the world was flat, that should we sail too far, we'd fall right off the edge of the earth. It took someone like Columbus, and others, to push the envelope and thus determine that the horizon was really only an illusion that concealed much possibility and potential, in his case, North America.
The context in which I'm using "horizon" in this instance, is in viewing a person with a disability. Many people around the world, including right here in the US, see someone with a disability and all they see is the impairment, the limit, the horizon. The reason I wish to name our group "Ability Beyond the Horizon", is to remind us that, should we push further than our immediate perception, should we dare to invest a little more energy, we may find promise, potential, and Ability. History teaches us that looking beyond the horizon is often a worthwhile endeavor. Through our organization, I'd like to draw the awareness of the people of Vietnam, and elsewhere the path might take us, toward a different horizon, but one that still promises possibility. Through early intervention services, and hopefully one day other services as well, I believe that "Ability Beyond the Horizon" can make a cultural shift in the minds of people, so that when they see the person with a disability, they learn to look past the immediate horizon, and see a person, a person that can make a meaningful contribution to the world.
Thanks to everyone that sent in your ideas for a name, there were many great ones, and many that bumped me along to this current name which literally woke me from a dead sleep night before last. I was so energized, I couldn't go back to sleep, and had to get up and write it down. I'm convinced that if it were not for your suggestions I would have taken a lot longer to discover the right name for our group. I think this one really resonates, what do you think, is this a name, an idea, that people can get behind and support?
Thanks for following along on the journey. Exciting things are just around the corner.
1 comment:
I LOVE IT!!! I think it is pure genius!
I was first presented with "Above" the horizon... was there reasoning behind changing it?
I think I like beyond better anyway!
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