My apologies for how long its been since an update on the idea formerly known as the "Vietnam Project" and now formally referred to as Ability Beyond the Horizon. These past couple months have been explosive for ABH, I'd like to bring you up to speed so you can be as excited as I am.
We're now a registered not for profit corporation in the state of Florida. Thanks to Jake Kiker of Williams, Gautier, Gwynn, Deloach & Sorenson, P.A., we now have a fully fleshed out corporation, he and his staff have done incredible things in a very short while for the children of Vietnam, and for no pay.
In addition to becoming a fully realized corporation, we also have an incredible board of directors. I will introduce you to them in the next update, but its a dream team of six individuals plus myself, who are pillars in their respective fields of expertise, and we are so fortunate to have them and their broad range of talents working on Ability Beyond the Horizon.
Thanks to a good friend who I had lost touch with until very recently, we also have dedicated web space now. Vikram Aggarwal of has generously donated 3 years of web hosting for Ability Beyond the Horizon in order to ensure its success. Couple that generosity with that of Shawn Laasch and his web designing abilities, and Ability Beyond the Horizon will have a website to be proud of very soon!
To update you on our mission, we're thinking globally here. This started with just helping kids in the city of Hue, Vietnam that were visually impaired, and is quickly evolving. Ability Beyond the Horizon is thinking larger than that, we're looking at helping kids with disabilities in developing nations around the world. Vietnam is the first step, but children with disabilities all over the developing world can use our help, and as I've mentioned before, the little expense of it means that even those of us that are hardest hit by the economy can make a huge difference in these children's lives. Our money still is in some cases 10 times as powerful as their own currency. By doing so, you will actually be impacting the next generation of the world's population. Not just the children themselves, but the perceptions of the people around them, this will have a domino effect in the entire culture.
Our work here will directly increase peace, awareness, and compassion in the world. I will tell you how you can help very soon. Thank you to everyone for your continuing support, if we stay moving at this pace, and we will, we will have a full "roll out" of Ability Beyond the Horizon by end of March. I'm so glad you all have been here from the beginning to encourage the process along, and I look forward to your continued support as we see where this idea spawned in a coffee shop in Vietnam less than a year ago, takes us all.